RECONECT participated in the EGU General Assembly, one of the most important events in the geoscience field, this year online due to the pandemic.
The session “Nature-Based Solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction”, organized by the Horizon 2020 Projects NAIAD, OPERANDUM, PHUSICOS and RECONECT, aimed to demonstrate to the scientific community how NBS can contribute to disaster risk reduction, in line with the EU Roadmap for achieving the Sendai Framework’s goals. Two of the works presented in this session are related to RECONECT:
· Hydro-meteorological monitoring activities in Portofino Natural Park (Italy) as demonstrator of the H2020 RECONECT project: on the NBS strategies to reduce geomorphological hazards (flash floods, landslides) in the Portofino area (Presentation);
· Involvement of stakeholders in the selection and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction: where a methodology to select the right NBS measures to reduce risks and increase co-benefits is presented (Presentation)