The RECONECT project organizes a series of 3 webinars with the aim to educate and create awareness on the RECONECT experience and outcomes during live streamed events.
First RECONECT webinar
Introduction and opportunities for NbS: reflections from RECONECT

Held on the 8th of May 2023. Duration: 1,5 hours.
This webinar introduces the context where NbS are cocreated, implemented and upscaled with the aim to reduce hydrometeorological risks.
Participants in this webinar are expected to get knowledge on the EU and international policy framework supporting NbS, and on innovation and technologies for their implementation.
Target audience: Government agencies, decision makers, practitioners, researchers, investors, whoever wants to improve knowledge on NbS.
Second RECONECT webinar
Sourcing the evidence base from RECONECT NbS demonstration cases

Held on the 6th June 2023. Duration: 1,5 hours.
The second RECONECT webinar provide the attendees with knowledge and experiences from a NbS implementation process.
Selected RECONECT demonstrators across Europe and representing different rural environments are showcased with the purpose to support the participants in understanding effectiveness, barriers and opportunities of a NbS approach.
Target audience: The webinar is targeted to public and private companies, practitioners, researchers and whoever wants to improve knowledge on NbS.
Third RECONECT webinar
RECONECT experiences in co-monitoring and co-evaluation of NbS

Held on the 4th July 2023. Duration: 1,5 hours.
The third RECONECT webinar deals with tools and indicators to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of NbS for hydro-meteo risk reduction and assess their co-benefits.
The participants get knowledge on the parameters to be monitored and the most suitable technologies to do that. Practical examples on how indicators are monitored and processed through the RECONECT ICT Service Platform are provided.
Target audience: Public and private companies, practitioners, researchers, whoever wants to improve knowledge on NbS.